ATZO Cloud Plus_TM (April 2024)

One Solution That Safeguards Your Data Against All Potential Threats

Reduce downtime with a robust backup and restore solution.

Unexpected downtime and data loss costs your business valuable time and money. Whether you’re confronted with a phishing attack or ransomware, or an app you need suddenly crashes – having a backup of your data, applications, and systems ensures you can recover quickly and get back to work.

Protect your data from all risks with a cyber protection solution that combines data protection and cybersecurity.


Experiencing unexpected downtime and data loss can result in significant costs to your business in terms of time and money. Whether you face a phishing attack, ransomware, or a sudden app crash, having a backup of your data, applications, and systems can ensure a speedy recovery and get you back to work. On average, just one hour of downtime can cost $84,650 in lost business, productivity, and reputation.

Safeguard everything that’s vital for your business! ATZO Cloud Plus provides backup and restore for over 20 diverse platforms. This includes physical, virtual, cloud, and mobile platforms, ensuring that no matter where your data is stored, how big it becomes, or how it is accessed, it remains protected.

Experience ATZO Cloud Plus with a Full Feature 21-Day Free Trial today!

For enquiries, send us a WhatsApp message or scan QR Code

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