
Comprehensive security against contemporary threats

ATZO Cloud Plus™ is designed to keep your data safe and secure, no matter what happens and seamlessly integrate with your existing systems, making it easy to get up and running in no time. With ATZO Cloud Plus™, you can enjoy a range of features that will give you peace of mind and complete control and protection over your data.

Security: multiple layers of security to ensure data protection, including EDR, encryption, secure backup storage, and multi-factor authentication. Our distinctive method of integrating cyber protection features with cloud backup ensures the security of your data.

Fast recovery: recovery will be fast and efficient, minimizing downtime and data loss. ATZO Cloud Plus™ provides options for granular recovery, allowing users to recover specific files or folders, and even recover to dissimilar hardware.

Flexibility: designed to protect data on a variety of platforms, including physical, virtual, cloud, and mobile environments.

Ease of use: intuitive user interface and easy-to-use management console that simplifies data protection and management, reducing administrative burden and enabling faster recovery.