Summary of Features

Comprehensive security against contemporary threats

ATZO Cloud Plus™ is designed to keep your data safe and secure, no matter what happens and seamlessly integrate with your existing systems, making it easy to get up and running in no time. With ATZO Cloud Plus™, you can enjoy a range of features that will give you peace of mind and complete control and protection over your data.

Security: multiple layers of security to ensure data protection, including EDR, encryption, secure backup storage, and multi-factor authentication. Our distinctive method of integrating cyber protection features with cloud backup ensures the security of your data.

Fast recovery: recovery will be fast and efficient, minimizing downtime and data loss. ATZO Cloud Plus™ provides options for granular recovery, allowing users to recover specific files or folders, and even recover to dissimilar hardware.

Flexibility: designed to protect data on a variety of platforms, including physical, virtual, cloud, and mobile environments.

Ease of use: intuitive user interface and easy-to-use management console that simplifies data protection and management, reducing administrative burden and enabling faster recovery.


  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Anti-ransomware Protection
  • Antimalware Protection
  • Files/Folders Backup
  • Disks/Volumes
  • Image Backup
  • Database Backup
  • M365/Google Workspace Backup
  • Microsoft Hosted Exchange Mailboxes Backup
  • Backup to Cloud Storage

ATZO Cloud Plus™ helps to lower the risk of Data Loss and Data Leakage

Value of
ATZO Cloud Plus

Solution is managed and monitored from one platform

End to End Protection for all servers and workstations

Immutable Backups

Environment Agnostic

3-2-1 Backup Rule

Daily Monitoring

Monthly Reporting

Key Features of ATZO Cloud Plus™

Full-image and File-level backups

Back up individual files or safeguard an entire business with a few clicks

File-level backup

Use this option to protect specific data, reduce the backup size, and save storage space

Full-image backup

Easily back up the entire system as a single file, ensuring bare metal restores. In the event of data loss/corruption, you can easily restore all data

ATZO Cloud Plus™ Universal Restore

Restore Windows and Linux systems to dissimilar hardware

Quick and easy system restore to dissimilar hardware, including bare-metal physical, virtual or cloud environments.

After restoring a disk image as is, ATZO Cloud Plus™ analyzes the new hardware platform and tunes the Windows or Linux settings to match the new requirements

Error-proof immutable backups

Prevent accidental and malicious data loss

Ensure backups cannot be encrypted or deleted by a ransomware attack on the endpoint through immutable storage, enabling you to restore quickly to the most recent clean state

Vulnerability Assessments

Discover an issue before it's a problem

Continuous, daily updates of ATZO Cloud Plus™ vulnerability

Comprehensive dashboard for vulnerability detection and their severity


  • Microsoft stack:
    • Workstations – Windows 7 and later
    • Server – Windows Server 2008R2 and later
    • Microsoft Office (2010 and more) and related components
    • .NET Framework and server applications
  • MacOS workloads
  • Adobe, Oracle Java
  • Collaboration software: Zoom, Teams, VPNs
  • Browsers and other software

Flexible Reporting and Report Scheduling

Discover an issue before it's a problem

Active alert control

Identify missing updates

Customizable dashboard widgets

Quickly identify problems

Fast access to management actions

Customizable summary reports

Report scheduling

Continuous data protection

Gain safe and instant remediation to prevent data loss/corruption

Define the list of critical apps for every device that users are working with most often. ATZO Cloud Plus™ agent monitors every change made in the listed applications

In case of a malware infection, you can restore the data from the last backup and apply the latest collected changes so on data is lost.

Benefits of ATZO Cloud Plus™ to your organisation

Using the 3-2-1 Backup Rule with ATZO Cloud Plus™

Immediate adoption of the 3-2-1 backup strategy with immutable cloud storage

ATZO Cloud Plus™ provides protection for 20+ workload types

ATZO Cloud Plus is environment agnostic

ATZO Cloud Plus™ is agnostics to your organisation's production environment
(current or future)

ATZO Cloud Plus™ can backup and protect the following IT environment:

  • On-Premise environment 
  • Private Cloud environment
  • Public Cloud environment
  • Hybrid environment
    • On-premise and cloud (private/public)
    • Cloud and cloud

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