Key Features

Secure Collaboration
Collaboration has never been easier with ATZO Share! Users are able to check in/out a document to ensure any changes made is reflected to all other users that are in collaboration. Not only that, users are able to revert back to previous versions of the document while collaborating by using the version feature.

Keeping Track Through Audit Trails
The age old problem about companies not having visibility over their users and the activity of their users are gone now! Through the audit trails, companies have total visibility over their company documents and with the click of a button, the person in charge will be able to know which user shared a company document, who these company documents have been shared to, who have opened and viewed these company documents..

Files For Business Purposes Only
Ever had trouble monitoring the types of files being stored on company subscribed storage platforms? Say goodbye to that problem as with ATZO Share, companies are able to create policies that restrict both file types and file sizes which will ensure files that are uploaded into ATZO Share are strictly for business purposes only and no personal files are allowed.

Administrator Role and Permission Settings
Unlike other file sharing software out there, ATZO Share gives you total visibility and control over your data, users and storage. By using ATZO Share, you are able to appoint an Administrator within your company to help monitor, provision and manage your company’s data, users and storage. Take back control, visibility and ownership of your data because they never really belonged to anyone else other than you.